Quilt Shop Hop

Last Tuesday, I finally got to go on another nice road trip including two of my ‘local’ quilt shops. Now, I am saying local, but in truth they are almost an hour away. Nevertheless I consider them local as I have so few options to choose from. My immediate area of St. Gallen and Appenzell may well be a traditionally textile region, where lace and fabric are still made today and people still indulge in different sewing and stitchery crafts, but quilting is not very popular.

For this reason probably, the first shop I went to, Stoff-werk-statt is not marketed primarily as a quilting store as such, but a fabric store. Stoff-werk-statt is in Uznach in Canton St. Gallen. Uznach is a town which is located at the mouth of the Linth Canal, on the Eastern end  of Lake Zurich.
The Linth Valley is breathtaking, surrounded by gorgeous mountain views, and is a beautifully flat area, perfect for a bicycle tour. Unfortunately, I only have an old photo to share with you of the immediate area.
But alas, I was there to find fabric and not go off into the ‘wilds’ of St. Gallen on my bike.
So what did I bring home from that trip: rotary cutting blades and three different fabrics. One which I had bought before and wanted more of:
It was a pricy purchase but oh so worth it, as I absolutely adore it….
Next up is this one with no info on the selvage…
And lastly, this gorgeous piece…
So in the end the travel time was well worth it.
Finishing up at the Stoff-werk-statt, it was time for a pit stop and some lunch at my favorite garden center Meier’s , located in Dürnten, Canton Zurich. I was saving my pennies for the quilt shop, so a quick browse was all I could afford.
If you haven’t heard of Meier’s it is certainly worth a peak at my previous posts for more pictures of this enormous garden center that houses in addition to all the garden supplies, decorations and furniture it’s own bakery, cafeteria and restaurant. Hence the perfect place to refuel.
I have got to get my hands on this beautiful hydrangea.
How I love this show garden, which is a kitchen garden.
 With our creative juices flowing we left Meier’s to proceed onto our final stop of the day, The Quilt Place .
The Quilt Place is located in a little village on the outskirts of Winterthur, near Zurich airport.
 Of course I would be happy if this little gem was located right on my doorstep with it’s gorgeous little garden outside and all. (Shown here in the summer.)
Inside, awaited a very special surprise. A mini quilt show of all the entries for a special anniversary contest which customers could take part of. Here are a few of my favorites, though I recommend a visit if you have the chance, the quilts will be displayed until some time in June.
“Kanja” by Uschy Hagenbucher
“A Day at theBeach” by Katherina Schaller
“Home Sweet Home”




The last one was my absolute favorite but it was a tough call.

So what did I come home with, you ask?

Something modern…




And something a little vintage…






I am so happy with all my new fabrics to add to my growing stash. Hope you enjoyed today’s post! Wishing you all a great week!



14 thoughts on “Quilt Shop Hop

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    1. I don’t know but it is a very common name here. Thank you, It is cool to see how all these different people did such different things with the same fabric. Tradional vs. modern blocks and ideas. Thanks for stopping in!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Fabric shops are few and far between in this part of NW France, too, but we are lucky enough to have one good small quilt shop, Hambeyance, in a village 10 minutes away called Hambey; and a general fabric shop in our Prefecture town – though that one is a bit out of the way.

    I enjoyed your quilt shop tour and am sure you will have a lot of fun planning what to do with your new stash.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Jodie, I just love all those glorious blues! Do you have a project in mind yet, or are they for stash-inspiration?
    I’ll definitely have to give these shops a visit at some point – may as well make good use of my GA 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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